Dr. Todd Bartee
316 |
Phone: (308) 865-8179 |
Email: barteet2@jyycl.com
Advisor for Public Health Minor, PHEAST Scholarship, Pre-Public Health
Areas of Interest:
- Health Education and Health Promotion, Implementation Science, Systems Change
- A.A. (1992) - Central Community College
- B.S. Ed. (1994) – University of Nebraska – Lincoln
- M.A. (1996) – University of Alabama
- Ph.D. (2000) – University of Alabama (joint program with University of Alabama-Birmingham School of Public Health)
Professional Affiliations:
- American Public Health Association
- Public Health Association of Nebraska
- Society for Public Health Education
- Predicting the use of dietary supplements marketed as ergogenic aids among adolescent athletes. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- Bartee R.T., Heelan K.A., Golden C.A., Hill J.L., Porter G.C., Abbey B.A., George K., Foster N., Estabrooks P.A. 2023. Adaptations of an Effective Evidence-based Pediatric Weight Management Intervention. Prevention Science. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-023-01557-7
- Michaud, T.L., Hill, J.L., Heelen, K.A., Bartee, T., Abbey, B.M., Malmkar, A., Masker, J., Golden, C., Porter, G., Glasgow, R.E., and Estabrooks, P.A. 2022. Understanding implementation costs of a pediatric weight management intervention: An economic evaluation protocol. Implementation Science Communications 3(37). doi:10.1186/s43058-022-00287-1
- Golden, C., Heelan, K.A, Hill, J., Bartee, T., Abbey, B.M, and Estabrooks, P.A. 2021. Qualitative comparative analysis of program and participant factors that explain success in a micropolitan pediatric weight management intervention. Childhood Obesity 18(5). doi.org/10.1089/chi.2021.0160
- Heelan, K.A., Abbey, B.M, Bartee, R.T., Estabrooks, P.A., Malmkar, A., Jacobs, T., and Hill, J.L. 2021. Packaging of a pediatric weight management intervention and implementation blueprint for rural and micropolitan communities– The Nebraska CORD 3.0 project. Childhood Obesity 17(S1):S-62-S69. doi.org/10.1089/chi.2021.0171
- Hill, J.L., Heelan, K.A., Bartee, T., Wichman, C., Michaud, T., Abbey, B., Porter, G., and Estabrooks, P.A. 2021. A type III hybrid effectiveness – Implementation pilot trial testing dissemination and implementation strategies for a pediatric weight management intervention: The Nebraska childhood obesity research demonstration project. Childhood Obesity 17(S1):S70-S78. doi.org/10.1089/chi.2021.0170
- Porter, G.C., Schwab, R., Hill, J.L., Bartee, R.T., Heelan, K.A., Michaud, T.L., and Estabrooks, P.A. 2021. Examining the feasibility and characteristics of realistic weight management support for patients: Focus groups with rural, micropolitan, and metropolitan primary care providers. Preventive Medicine Reports 23:1-8. doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101390
- Golden, C.A., Hill, J.L., Heelan, K.A., Bartee, R.T., Abbey, B.M., Malmkar, A., and Estabrooks, P.A. 2021. A dissemination strategy to identify communities ready to implement a pediatric weight management intervention in geographically underserved areas. Preventing Chronic Disease 18:200248. dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd18.200248
- Porter, G., Laumb, K., Michaud, T., Brito, F., Petreca, D., Schwieger, G., Bartee, T., Yeary, K., and Estabrooks, P. 2019. Understanding the impact of rural weight loss interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 20:713-724.
- Bartee, R.T., Burger, P.R., Heelan, K.A., Coughlin, A., and Combs, S.J. 2019. Spatial analysis of cancer survivors’ accessibility to exercise programs designed exclusively for their needs. The Pennsylvania Geographer 57(2):1-15.
- Bartee, R.T., Heelan, K.A., and Dority, B.L. 2018. The Influence of aerobic fitness and academic ranking on the association between improvements in students’ aerobic fitness and academic achievement. Journal of School Health 88(9):644-650.
- Saint-Maurice, F.P., Welk, G.J., Bartee, R.T., and Heelan, K.A. 2016. Calibration of context-specific survey items to assess youth physical activity behavior. Journal of Sports Sciences. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1194526
- Heelan, K.A., Bartee, R.T., Nihiser, A., and Sherry, B. 2015. Decreasing childhood obesity – The Kearney Nebraska Story. Childhood Obesity 11(5):600-607.
- Adkins, M., Bice, M., Heelan, K., and Bartee, T. 2015. Increasing physical activity during the school day through physical activity classes: Implications for physical educators. The Physical Educator 72:173-184.
- Abbey, B.M., Heelan, K.A, Brown, G.A., and Bartee, R.T. 2014. The Validation of HydraTrend™ reagent strips for the assessment of hydration status. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(9):2634-2639.
- Saint-Maurice, F.P., Welk, G.J., Beyler, N.K., Bartee, R.T., and Heelan, K.A. 2014. Calibration of self-report tools for physical activity research: the Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ). BMC Public Health 14:461. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-461
- Heelan, K.A. Combs, J., Berger, P., Abbey, B., and Bartee, R.T. 2013. Evaluation of school transportation patterns and the associated impact on BMI in two midwestern communities. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 10(5):632-40.
- Holt, E.E., Bartee, R.T., and Heelan, K.A. 2013. Evaluation of a policy to integrate physical activity into the school day. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 10(4):480-7.
- Hoyle, T.B., Bartee, R.T., and Allensworth, D.D. 2010. Applying the process of health promotion in schools. Journal of School Health 80(4):163-166.
- Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, D.M., Broomfield, J.F., Smith, M.L., and Smith, D.T. 2009. Eight month follow-up of physical activity and central adiposity: Results from an internet-delivered randomized control trial intervention. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 6(4):445-455.
- Smith, D.T., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., and Carr, L.J. 2009. Prevalence of overweight and influence of out-of-school seasonal periods on body mass index among American Indian schoolchildren. Preventing Chronic Disease 6(1). http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2009/jan/07_0262.htm
- Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., Broomfield, J.F., Smith, M.L., Smith, D.T. 2008. Internet-delivered behavior change program increases physical activity and improves cardiometabolic disease risk factors in sedentary adults: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Preventive Medicine 46:431–438.
- Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., Smith, D.T., Welk, G., and Fu, Q. 2008. Combined influence of physical activity and television viewing on overweight in U.S. youth. International Journal of Obesity 32:613-618.
- Smith, D.T., Vendela, M.J., Bartee, R.T., and Carr, L. 2008. Significant body mass index gains in rural first graders, 1999-2004: A time for behavioral intervention? Journal of Rural Health 24:40-48.
- Bartee, R.T., Olsen, S.E., & Winnail, S.D. 2006. Comparison of professional health education and public health core competencies. American Journal of Health Studies 21:11-19.
- Winnail, S.D., Bartee, R.T., and Kaste, S. 2005. Existence of the school health coordinator in a frontier state. Journal of School Health 75:329-333.
- Bartee, R.T., Grandjean, B.D., & Bieber, S.L. 2004. Confirming the reliability of a theory driven instrument. American Journal of Health Studies 19:175-179.
- Bartee, R.T., Grandjean, B.D., Dunn, M.S., Perko, M.A., Eddy, J.M., & Wang, M.Q. 2004. Predictors of dietary supplement use among adolescent athletes. Pediatric Exercise Science 16:250-264.
- Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., & Damori, K. 2004. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and weight status in rural university students. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 1:209-217.
- Garcia, K., Eisenmann, J.C., and Bartee, R.T. 2004. Does a family history of CHD modify the relationship between physical activity and blood pressure in young adults? Eur J Cardiovasc Prevention Rehab 11:201-206.
- Bartee, R.T., Winnail, S.D., Olsen, S., Diaz, C., and Blevens, J.A. 2003. Assessing competencies of the public health workforce in a frontier state. Journal of Community Health 28:459-469.
- Dunn, M.S., Bartee, R.T., and Perko, M.A. 2003. Self-reported alcohol use and sexual behaviors of adolescents. Psychological Reports 92:339-348.
- Winnail, S.D. & Bartee, R.T. 2002. How can primary concerns of school district superintendents guide school health efforts? Journal of School Health 72:408-412.
- Winnail, S.D., & Bartee, R.T. 2002. What makes health educators unique? American Journal of Health Education 33:5-7.
- Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., & Wang, M.Q. 2002. Physical activity, TV viewing, and weight in U.S. youth: 1999 youth risk behavior survey. Obesity Research 10:379-385.
- Dunn, M.S., Eddy, J.M., Perko, M.A., & Bartee, R.T. 2001. Influence of parents, coaches and trainers on attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions regarding dietary supplement use among male and female adolescent athletes. Journal of Adolescent and Family Health 3:141-146.
- Dunn, M.S., Eddy, J.M., Wang, M.Q., Nagy, S., Bartee, R.T. & Perko, M.A. 2001. The influence of significant others on attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions regarding dietary supplement use among adolescents. Adolescence 36:583-591.
- Perko, M.A., Bartee, R.T., Dunn, M.S., Wang, M.Q., & Eddy, J.M. 2000. Giving new meaning to the term "taking one for the team": Influences on the use/non-use of dietary supplements among adolescent athletes. American Journal of Health Studies 16:99-106.
- Eddy, J.M. & Bartee, R.T. 1999. A primer on choosing a distance education program. American Journal of Worksite Health Promotion 6:36-37.